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There’s no better investment than one made in your local parish,
where people meet Jesus and lives are changed. 


Stewardship is faith-based giving.

Based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus, stewardship is a way of life — recognizing that all that we have and all that we are, are gifts from God. Through stewardship, we give back to our parish community and say to those in need among us: you are brother and sister to us; you matter and we care. Both givers’ and receivers’ lives are changed through stewardship.

May our lives reflect the generosity and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Donate to St Michael Online: To set up a new gift or change a recurring gift, visit our WeShare website.

No Envelope? No Problem: You can give in person during any weekend mass. Or, give a gift to St. Michael Parish by mail.

Remember your parish in your will using our legal name:

Legal Name:  St. Michael Parish Charitable Trust
Address: 85 N. High St., Greenville PA 16125-2452

The fight against financial fraud: 
In this age when personal data can be misused by scam artists, please be aware that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie, clergy, and entities such as parishes and schools will never solicit your personal or business information by any method unless initiated by you. Should you receive an unsolicited request for such information, exercise extreme caution. Contact the person or entity by using official contact information only. Do not use contact information provided in the potential fraudulent request.